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Gay Support Groups And Organisations Singapore

Gay Support Organisations

Gay Organisations And Support Signapore

Young Out Here

Young Out Here

Young Out Here -

Young Out Here is a vibrant youth community group dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ youth in Singapore. The group provides a safe space for young individuals to explore their identities, share experiences, and find support. By fostering a sense of belonging, Young Out Here helps LGBTQ+ youth navigate the complexities of growing up.

Support and Counseling

Young Out Here offers various support and counseling services tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ youth. Professional counselors provide confidential one-on-one sessions, addressing issues such as coming out, relationships, and mental health. Peer support groups offer a safe environment for sharing experiences and gaining mutual support. These services aim to help youth feel understood and supported.

Educational Programs

Educational programs are a cornerstone of Young Out Here’s mission. The organization conducts workshops, seminars, and public talks to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. These programs aim to educate both LGBTQ+ youth and the broader community. Schools, community groups, and families benefit from these informative sessions. By promoting understanding and acceptance, Young Out Here helps create a more inclusive society.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is at the heart of Young Out Here’s activities. The group organizes various events, including social gatherings, movie nights, and discussion forums. These events provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ youth to connect, share experiences, and build supportive networks. By fostering a strong sense of community, Young Out Here helps youth feel more connected and less isolated.

Advocacy and Awareness

Advocacy and awareness are integral to Young Out Here’s work. The organization collaborates with other LGBTQ+ groups and advocacy bodies to promote equality and justice. Public campaigns and educational initiatives aim to raise awareness and influence policy changes. By advocating for the rights of LGBTQ+ youth, Young Out Here contributes to a more inclusive and accepting society.

Building a Stronger Future

Building a stronger future for LGBTQ+ youth is a core goal of Young Out Here. The organization provides resources, training, and support to empower young individuals. By fostering resilience and confidence, Young Out Here helps LGBTQ+ youth navigate challenges and achieve their full potential. The group’s efforts contribute to a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

About Prout

About Prout

About Prout -

Prout is a dynamic digital platform designed to connect LGBTQ+ individuals through events, content, and community engagement. The platform fosters a sense of belonging and support, providing a safe space for users to interact and share experiences. By leveraging technology, Prout aims to create a vibrant and inclusive community for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Events and Activities

Prout organizes a variety of events and activities to engage the LGBTQ+ community. From social gatherings to workshops and seminars, these events offer opportunities for learning, networking, and fun. The platform promotes events that cater to diverse interests, ensuring there is something for everyone. By participating in these activities, users can build meaningful connections and find support.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is at the heart of Prout’s mission. The platform encourages active participation and interaction among users. Forums, discussion groups, and social media channels provide spaces for sharing experiences and offering support. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, Prout helps users feel connected and valued.

Educational Content

Educational content is a key component of Prout’s offerings. The platform features articles, videos, and other resources on a wide range of topics relevant to the LGBTQ+ community. These resources aim to inform and empower users, covering issues such as mental health, relationships, and advocacy. By providing access to reliable information, Prout supports the well-being and growth of its community members.

Support Services

Prout offers various support services to assist users in their personal and professional lives. The platform provides information on mental health resources, legal advice, and support groups. Users can access these services to navigate challenges and find the help they need. By offering comprehensive support, Prout ensures that users feel supported and empowered.

Building a Stronger Community

Building a stronger community is a core goal of Prout. The platform seeks to create a space where LGBTQ+ individuals can come together and thrive. By promoting inclusivity and acceptance, Prout helps users build lasting relationships and find a sense of belonging. The platform’s efforts contribute to a more connected and supportive LGBTQ+ community.

Inter University LGBTQ+ Network

Inter University LGBTQ+ Network

Inter University LGBTQ+ Network -

The Inter-University LGBTQ+ Network is a coalition dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ students across various universities. Founded to create a safe and inclusive environment, the network provides advocacy, support, and community engagement. The goal is to ensure that all LGBTQ+ students can thrive academically, socially, and personally.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

Advocacy is at the heart of the Inter-University LGBTQ+ Network's mission. The network works to influence university policies to be more inclusive and supportive of LGBTQ+ students. By engaging with university administrations and participating in policy discussions, the network ensures that LGBTQ+ issues are prioritized. This advocacy work helps create safer and more inclusive campus environments.

Support Services

The network offers a range of support services tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ students. Confidential counseling services provide a safe space for students to discuss personal challenges. Peer support groups offer mutual aid and foster a sense of community. These services are designed to help students navigate the complexities of university life and their LGBTQ+ identities.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is a key component of the network's activities. The network organizes various events, including social gatherings, workshops, and seminars. These events provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ students to connect, share experiences, and build supportive networks. By fostering a strong sense of community, the network helps students feel more connected and less isolated.

Educational Programs

Educational programs are integral to the network's mission. The network conducts workshops and seminars to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. These programs aim to educate the broader university community about the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ students. By promoting understanding and acceptance, the network helps create a more inclusive campus culture.

Research and Documentation

Research and documentation are essential to the network's advocacy efforts. The network conducts studies to gather data on the experiences of LGBTQ+ students. This research informs their policy recommendations and helps raise awareness about the issues faced by LGBTQ+ students. Publications and reports from these studies are shared with university stakeholders and the public.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Collaboration with other organizations is vital to the network's success. The network partners with local LGBTQ+ organizations, student groups, and advocacy bodies. These partnerships help amplify their impact and create a unified front in advocating for LGBTQ+ rights. By working together, they achieve greater reach and effectiveness in their campaigns.

Outright International

Outright International

Outright International -

OutRight International

OutRight International is a leading organization dedicated to advancing LGBTQ+ human rights globally. Founded in 1990, it works tirelessly to ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals everywhere can live free from discrimination and violence. The organization operates through advocacy, research, and partnerships, aiming to create lasting change and promote equality.

Advocacy and Activism

Advocacy is at the core of OutRight International’s mission. The organization engages with policymakers, governments, and international bodies to influence policy changes. By participating in United Nations assemblies and other global forums, OutRight ensures that LGBTQ+ issues remain a priority on the international agenda. This activism helps protect and advance the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals worldwide.

Research and Documentation

OutRight International conducts extensive research and documentation to highlight the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ communities. The organization publishes reports, studies, and fact sheets that provide valuable insights into human rights abuses and discrimination. This research informs their advocacy efforts and helps raise awareness about the plight of LGBTQ+ individuals in various regions.

Global Partnerships

Global partnerships are integral to OutRight International’s approach. The organization collaborates with local activists, NGOs, and other stakeholders to amplify their impact. These partnerships help strengthen the capacity of local organizations and create a unified front in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. Working together, they achieve greater reach and effectiveness in their campaigns.

Community Support and Empowerment

OutRight International is committed to supporting and empowering LGBTQ+ communities. The organization provides resources, training, and financial support to grassroots activists and organizations. These efforts help build resilient communities that can advocate for their rights and provide support to those in need. Empowering local leaders is key to creating sustainable change.

Public Awareness Campaigns

Public awareness campaigns are a significant part of OutRight International’s work. The organization runs campaigns to educate the public about LGBTQ+ issues and promote acceptance. These campaigns use various media, including social media, to reach a broad audience. Raising awareness is crucial to changing societal attitudes and reducing stigma and discrimination.

Fridae Asia

Fridae Asia

Fridae Asia -

About Fridae Singapore

About Fridae Singapore

Fridae Singapore is a comprehensive platform dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community in Asia. Established to provide news, events, and community engagement, Fridae offers a safe and inclusive environment. The platform aims to foster connections, support, and advocacy within the LGBTQ+ community.

News and Information

Fridae provides up-to-date news and information relevant to the LGBTQ+ community. The platform covers a wide range of topics, including current events, health, and legal issues. Articles and features offer insights into the challenges and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community in Asia.

Events and Activities

Events and activities are a key component of Fridae’s offerings. The platform promotes various events, including social gatherings, parties, and cultural activities. These events provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ individuals to connect and engage with the community. Fridae also highlights major LGBTQ+ events across Asia.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is at the heart of Fridae's mission. The platform offers forums and chat rooms where members can discuss various topics and share experiences. These spaces provide a supportive environment for individuals to seek advice and build connections. Fridae encourages active participation to strengthen community bonds.

Support and Resources

Fridae offers a range of support and resources for the LGBTQ+ community. Information on mental health services, legal advice, and support groups is readily available. The platform strives to provide comprehensive resources to assist individuals in their personal and professional lives. Users can access these resources to navigate challenges and find support.

Advocacy and Awareness

Advocacy and awareness are integral to Fridae’s work. The platform collaborates with various organizations to promote equality and justice for LGBTQ+ individuals. Public campaigns and educational initiatives aim to raise awareness and influence policy changes. Fridae’s advocacy efforts contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society.

Join the Community

Everyone is encouraged to join the Fridae community. Participation can take many forms, from attending events to engaging in online discussions. Fridae offers various membership options to suit different needs and interests. By joining, individuals can contribute to and benefit from a vibrant and supportive community.

Pink Dot SG

Pink Dot SG

Pink Dot SG -

Pink Dot Singapore

Pink Dot Singapore is an annual event and movement dedicated to supporting LGBTQ+ rights. Since its inception in 2009, Pink Dot has grown into a significant platform promoting inclusivity and equality. The event encourages everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, to come together and support the freedom to love.

Event Highlights

The annual Pink Dot event takes place at Hong Lim Park, drawing thousands of participants. Activities include speeches, performances, and the iconic formation of a giant pink dot. This visual display symbolizes solidarity and support for the LGBTQ+ community in Singapore. The event is a vibrant celebration of diversity and love.

Advocacy and Awareness

Pink Dot Singapore plays a crucial role in raising awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. The movement advocates for policy changes and promotes understanding through public education. Collaborations with local and international organizations help amplify their message. The goal is to create a more inclusive and accepting society.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is at the heart of Pink Dot's mission. The event fosters connections among LGBTQ+ individuals and allies, providing a supportive environment. Various workshops, forums, and social activities are organized throughout the year. These initiatives help build a strong, united community.

Support and Resources

Pink Dot Singapore offers a range of support and resources for the LGBTQ+ community. Information on mental health services, legal advice, and support groups is readily available. The movement strives to provide comprehensive resources to assist individuals in their personal and professional lives.

Join the Movement

Everyone is encouraged to join the Pink Dot movement. Participation can take many forms, from attending the annual event to volunteering or donating. Every contribution helps further the cause of LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion. Together, we can make a difference and support the freedom to love.

The Purple Alliance (TPA)

The Purple Alliance (TPA)

The Purple Alliance (TPA) -

The Purple Alliance

The Purple Alliance is a dedicated group focused on the welfare of LGBTQ individuals. It aims to develop stakeholders' talents, advocate responsibility, and promote understanding within the community. The organization's activities are run by trained, qualified personnel, ensuring high standards of care and support.

Trained Volunteers and Professionals

All volunteers in the Verify programme are highly trained in health, human sexuality, and human rights. Many of them are fully qualified nurses. This ensures that all activities are conducted with professionalism and care, providing reliable support for LGBTQ individuals.

Social Groups and Community Engagement

The Purple Alliance runs a monthly social group for Indian men, providing a space for social interaction and support. Additionally, the organization works with community partners to host monthly film screenings. These screenings focus on human rights and LGBTQ issues, raising awareness and fostering discussion.

Promoting Understanding and Responsibility

The organization is committed to promoting understanding and responsibility within the community. Through educational programs and advocacy, The Purple Alliance strives to create a more inclusive society. It focuses on developing talents and skills among its stakeholders, empowering them to contribute positively to the community.



Sayoni -

Sayoni Singapore

Sayoni Singapore is an organization dedicated to empowering queer women and LGBTQ+ individuals. Founded in 2006, it provides advocacy, support, and community engagement. Sayoni aims to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Advocacy and Activism

Advocacy is a core pillar of Sayoni's mission. The organization works to influence policy changes and promote equality for LGBTQ+ individuals. Collaborations with other NGOs and participation in public forums help amplify their message. These efforts are crucial in creating a more inclusive and just society.

Support Services

Sayoni offers a range of support services for queer women and LGBTQ+ individuals. Confidential counseling sessions provide a safe space for individuals to discuss their concerns. Support groups offer mutual aid and foster a sense of community. These services are designed to help individuals navigate personal and social challenges.

Educational Programs

Educational programs are integral to Sayoni's mission. The organization conducts workshops, seminars, and public talks to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. These programs aim to promote understanding and acceptance within the broader community. Schools, workplaces, and community groups benefit from these informative sessions.

Research and Documentation

Research and documentation play a vital role in Sayoni’s work. The organization conducts studies to gather data on the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in Singapore. This research informs their advocacy efforts and helps in creating effective programs. Publications and reports from these studies are shared to educate the public and stakeholders.

Community Building

Community building is at the heart of Sayoni’s activities. The organization hosts various events and activities that encourage social interaction and support. These include social gatherings, discussion groups, and cultural events. Such activities provide opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community to connect and build lasting relationships.

Pelangi Pride Centre

Pelangi Pride Centre

Pelangi Pride Centre -

Singapore Pelangi Pride Centre

Singapore Pelangi Pride Centre is a vibrant resource hub dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community. Established to provide support, education, and community engagement, the centre fosters an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome. It serves as a cornerstone for the LGBTQ+ community in Singapore, offering a safe space for growth and connection.

Support and Resources

The centre offers a wide range of support and resources. This includes access to a comprehensive library of LGBTQ+ literature, providing valuable information and insights. The centre also offers counseling services to help individuals navigate personal challenges. These resources aim to empower the LGBTQ+ community and promote well-being.

Educational Programs

Educational programs are a key focus at Pelangi Pride Centre. Workshops, seminars, and public talks are conducted regularly to raise awareness and educate the public about LGBTQ+ issues. These programs are designed to foster understanding, acceptance, and inclusivity within the broader community. Participants gain valuable knowledge and perspectives.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is at the heart of Pelangi Pride Centre's mission. The centre hosts various events and activities that encourage social interaction and support. These include movie nights, discussion groups, and cultural events. Such activities provide opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community to connect, share experiences, and build lasting relationships.

Advocacy and Awareness

Advocacy and awareness initiatives are integral to the centre’s work. Pelangi Pride Centre collaborates with other organizations to promote equality and justice for LGBTQ+ individuals. The centre participates in public forums and campaigns to amplify its message. These efforts help create a more inclusive and compassionate society.

SAFE Singapore

SAFE Singapore

SAFE Singapore -

Singapore SAFE

Singapore's SAFE (Supporting, Affirming, and Empowering) is an organization dedicated to supporting families and friends of LGBTQ+ individuals. Founded to promote understanding and acceptance, SAFE provides resources, education, and community support. The goal is to create a compassionate and inclusive society where everyone can thrive.

Support Services

SAFE offers various support services for families and friends of LGBTQ+ individuals. Confidential counseling sessions are available to address concerns and provide guidance. Support groups offer a safe space for sharing experiences and gaining mutual support. These services aim to help individuals navigate the complexities of supporting their LGBTQ+ loved ones.

Educational Programs

Educational programs are a cornerstone of SAFE's mission. The organization conducts workshops, seminars, and talks to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. These programs aim to promote understanding and acceptance within families and the broader community. Schools, workplaces, and community groups benefit from these informative sessions.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is vital to SAFE's work. The organization hosts events and activities to foster connections among families and friends of LGBTQ+ individuals. These events provide opportunities for learning, sharing, and building supportive networks. Activities include family gatherings, movie nights, and panel discussions.

Advocacy and Awareness

Advocacy and awareness are integral to SAFE's mission. The organization works to influence policy changes and promote equality for LGBTQ+ individuals. Collaborations with other organizations and participation in public forums help amplify their message. SAFE strives to create a more inclusive society through informed advocacy.

Resources and Information

SAFE offers a wealth of resources and information. The website features articles, guides, and videos on various topics related to LGBTQ+ well-being. These resources are designed to educate and empower families and friends. Helplines and online chat services provide immediate support and information.



Oogachaga -

Oogachaga Singapore

Oogachaga is a leading LGBTQ+ community organization in Singapore. Established in 1999, it provides support, counseling, and resources to enhance the well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals. The organization aims to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

Support and Counseling Services

Oogachaga offers a wide range of support and counseling services. Professional counselors provide confidential one-on-one sessions, addressing issues such as coming out, relationships, and mental health. Support groups offer a space for individuals to share experiences and gain mutual support.

Education and Outreach

Education and outreach are key components of Oogachaga’s mission. The organization conducts workshops, seminars, and public talks to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues. These events aim to promote understanding and acceptance within the broader community. Schools, workplaces, and community groups benefit from these informative sessions.

Research and Advocacy

Oogachaga engages in research and advocacy to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals. Collaborations with academic institutions and NGOs help gather data and insights. This research informs advocacy efforts, aiming to influence policy changes and promote equality. The organization strives to create a more inclusive society through informed action.

Community Building

Community building is at the heart of Oogachaga’s work. The organization hosts social events and activities that foster connections among LGBTQ+ individuals. These events provide a safe space for people to express themselves and build supportive networks. Celebrations, movie nights, and art exhibitions are just a few examples of the community activities organized.

Resources and Information

Oogachaga offers a wealth of resources and information. The website features articles, guides, and videos on various topics related to LGBTQ+ well-being. These resources are designed to educate and empower individuals. Helplines and online chat services provide immediate support and information.

Spaces counseling and Support

Spaces counseling and Support

Spaces counseling and Support -

About Singapore Spaces Community

About Singapore Spaces Community

Singapore Spaces Community is a vibrant network supporting collaboration, innovation, and personal growth. This community provides shared workspaces, fostering an environment where professionals from various fields can connect and collaborate. The aim is to create a supportive space where ideas flourish, and individuals can thrive.

Shared Workspaces

The community offers state-of-the-art shared workspaces. These spaces are designed to meet the needs of freelancers, startups, and established businesses. Members have access to high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and other essential amenities. The modern and comfortable environment encourages productivity and creativity.

Events and Workshops

Regular events and workshops are a cornerstone of the Singapore Spaces Community. These activities include networking events, skill-building workshops, and industry-specific seminars. They provide opportunities for members to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals. The community thrives on the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Community Support

Support is at the heart of Singapore Spaces Community. Members have access to mentorship programs and peer support networks. The community offers resources to help individuals and businesses navigate challenges and achieve their goals. Collaboration and mutual support are encouraged to foster a sense of belonging.

Innovative Environment

Innovation is a key focus of the community. The shared workspaces are designed to inspire creativity and drive progress. Members are encouraged to explore new ideas and collaborate on innovative projects. The community provides the tools and support needed to turn visions into reality.

The Free Community Church

The Free Community Church

The Free Community Church -
About Singapore LGBTQ Community Church

About Singapore LGBTQ Community Church

The Singapore LGBTQ Community Church is an inclusive and affirming church that supports the spiritual journey of LGBTQ+ individuals. Established to provide a safe and welcoming space, the church encourages members to explore their faith without fear of judgment or discrimination. The community fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance for all.

Mission and Vision

The church's mission is to create an inclusive environment where everyone can experience the love of God. It envisions a community where LGBTQ+ individuals can grow spiritually, emotionally, and socially. The church aims to bridge the gap between faith and sexuality, promoting acceptance and understanding.

Services and Programs

The Singapore LGBTQ Community Church offers various services and programs. Regular worship services provide a space for spiritual growth and reflection. The church also hosts Bible studies, prayer meetings, and support groups. These programs are designed to meet the unique needs of LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is a core aspect of the church's mission. The church participates in outreach programs to support marginalized communities. It collaborates with other organizations to promote equality and justice. Members are encouraged to volunteer and contribute to social causes, fostering a spirit of service and compassion.

Inclusivity and Support

The church provides a range of support services to its members. Pastoral care, counseling, and peer support groups are available to help individuals navigate their spiritual and personal challenges. The church is committed to creating a safe and affirming space for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.



Heartland -
About Gay Buddhist Fellowship

About Gay Buddhist Fellowship

The Gay Buddhist Fellowship (GBF) is an inclusive community that supports LGBTQ+ individuals in their spiritual journey through Buddhism. Founded in 1998, GBF aims to create a safe space for LGBTQ+ practitioners to explore Buddhist teachings. The fellowship fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Community and Inclusivity

GBF emphasizes community and inclusivity. Members gather for meditation, teachings, and discussions. These sessions are designed to support spiritual growth and personal development. The fellowship provides a platform where LGBTQ+ individuals can share their experiences and insights.

Programs and Activities

GBF offers various programs and activities. Regular meditation sessions help members cultivate mindfulness and inner peace. Guest speakers and teachers are invited to share their knowledge on Buddhist principles. Retreats and workshops provide deeper immersion into Buddhist practices and teachings.

Resources and Support

The fellowship offers numerous resources for spiritual and personal growth. These include a library of Buddhist texts, online articles, and recorded talks. Members can also access support groups and counseling services. These resources are designed to help individuals navigate their spiritual journey and personal challenges.

Advocacy and Outreach

GBF engages in advocacy and outreach to promote understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals within the broader Buddhist community. The fellowship participates in events and collaborates with other organizations to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues in Buddhism. This advocacy work helps to foster a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Join the Fellowship

GBF welcomes anyone interested in exploring Buddhism in an inclusive environment. Membership is open to all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The fellowship encourages participation and contribution from its members to enrich the community.

Action for AIDS

Action for AIDS

Action for AIDS -

About Action for AIDS Singapore

About Action for AIDS Singapore

Action for AIDS (AFA) Singapore is a pioneering organization dedicated to fighting HIV/AIDS. Established in 1988, AFA focuses on advocacy, education, and support for those affected by HIV/AIDS. Their mission is to reduce the spread of HIV infection and provide care for those living with HIV/AIDS.

Key Initiatives and Programs

AFA's initiatives include comprehensive education and outreach programs. These programs aim to raise awareness about HIV prevention and reduce stigma. They provide anonymous testing and counseling services, ensuring confidentiality and support for those at risk.

Advocacy and Community Engagement

The organization actively advocates for the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. AFA works closely with the government and other NGOs to influence policy changes. Their community engagement programs foster a supportive environment and promote inclusivity.

Support Services

AFA offers a range of support services, including medical care, financial assistance, and emotional support. Their dedicated team ensures that individuals living with HIV/AIDS receive holistic care. Regular workshops and support groups help individuals manage their health and well-being.

Research and Development

Research is a crucial part of AFA’s work. The organization collaborates with medical institutions to conduct studies on HIV/AIDS. These research efforts contribute to better understanding and management of the disease.

Volunteer and Partnership Opportunities

AFA encourages community involvement through volunteer programs. Volunteers play a vital role in outreach, education, and support services. The organization also seeks partnerships with businesses and other NGOs to enhance their impact.

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