Friday’s Loneliness
The Hitchhikers Guide To The Ultimate Outdoor Sex – Friday was always the worst day in the office for Shawnee. Friday marked the beginning of a long and very lonely weekend. As an expatriate in Singapore, weekends could hold so much promise or, at worst, inspire dread. Having been in this city-state for just over a year now, Shawnee dreaded every weekend.
Name any art house in this city, and it was almost certain that Shawnee had been a guest there at some point during her stay. Every coffee house manager worth his salt knew Shawnee on a first-name basis. The British expatriate had even taken a dozen road trips out of town. However, after a year of doing everything expected of a prim and proper British expatriate, the initial excitement of visiting a new city had most certainly worn off. This was the mood that Shawnee expected to usher in her weekend – dark, bordering on black.
Painful Memories
By seven in the evening of that Friday, the pangs of loneliness had begun setting in as she opened a bottle of Chardonnay, sitting alone in her apartment. Half a world away, her long-time college sweetheart, Chad, was now getting married to another girl he had met in the military. Shawnee’s absence due to her overseas contracts had led to their breakup. She doubted she could attend the wedding even if she was in the same city as Chad – it would hurt too much. Their last meeting had been brutal. Harsh words were exchanged that could never be taken back. Even the promise to remain friends when they finally became civil were just words after Chad told her he was breaking off their engagement.
These things were just said to make the split more amicable. That was three years ago, and it had been three long years since Shawnee had been in a romantic relationship with anyone – and she was feeling it.
Loneliness Sets In
Being celibate for three years was well and truly a dry spell for some people, but for Shawnee, this wasn’t the case. Perhaps it was because she was very logical and needed a sound reason to be in love or at least to make love. In those three years since she had broken up with Chad, she had found no reason to open up her heart to another. However, her professional life had kicked all the goals she had hoped for. Random sex was not even to be considered, bearing in mind that she came from a very conservative Catholic background and still valued the art of love-making. Such factors had conspired to ensure that this now 30-year-old woman was home alone on a Friday night when her friends from around the globe were most likely planning to paint their towns red either with a special someone or to find the next best thing.
Many were the thoughts that ran through her mind as the clock chimed midnight and she sat wasted with the now empty bottle of wine. Was she cursed to die alone? Was she unlovable? Had she extinguished the last embers of love when Chad had so suddenly left her life? These and more were the questions that Shawnee pondered as she drifted off to sleep on her couch. To say she cut a pathetic figure would be the understatement of the year.
A New Day at Bukit Batok
Bukit Batok Nature Park. That is the place, or rather the park, where Shawnee found herself at 8 a.m. on Saturday morning. Come rain or shine, this was the place for any resident of Singapore who needed to commune with Mother Nature. It was also where Shawnee found herself most Saturday mornings. For a place that was previously forlorn, the developer had surely moved heaven and earth to convert what was once a nondescript quarry into what could now arguably pass for the Garden of Eden. This 36-acre park had a nature trail whose entire route would take close to two hours of walking. Shawnee had walked the entire trail many times before, and she intended to do so today, if only to burn time and try to get rid of her hangover.

Signs of Trouble
Ten minutes into her walk, Shawnee knew something was amiss. She was sweating more than usual and felt dizzy. A few minutes later, she was dealing with a throbbing headache, worse than the usual remnants of her hangover, followed by another bout of heavy sweating. She plodded on, attributing it to the beginning of her menstrual cycle combined with the aftereffects of alcohol. Fifteen minutes into her walk, she could no longer summon the willpower or energy to lie to herself that her menstrual cycle was responsible for her labored breathing.
A Helping Hand
As she gasped for breath, the last thing she remembered seeing was an old lady jogger helping her to the ground while frantically shouting for help. She drifted in and out of consciousness as people gathered around her, trying to assist. By a stroke of good fortune, there was a doctor in the crowd. His swift diagnosis of her condition revealed an extreme case of low blood sugar, hypoglycemia, and she needed some glucose urgently. A search yielded an energy drink from one of the park visitors, and after taking a sip, Shawnee somewhat recovered.
An Unwelcome Escort
She was slowly assisted to the Administrator’s office, where a taxi could be called to get her home or to a hospital if required. The person assigned to help her was a new park officer named Lee. Lee’s attempts to put her at ease were met with resistance. He offered to wipe down her jacket that had gotten dirty, but she seemed embarrassed by the entire episode and ignored the offer. Further attempts at small talk were met with grunts and hisses. In less than three minutes, Lee decided he didn’t like this condescending woman. He kept his peace and quickened the pace.
The Cold Walk
It was the coldest 10-minute walk Lee had experienced in his career as a park ranger. He would have left Shawnee alone, but he was under express instructions from his senior to deliver her to the main office. At that moment, Lee wished he had listened to his parents and pursued a career in teaching or law. Teachers and lawyers were among the most financially rewarded professionals in Singapore. As the young ranger cursed his luck, he tried to avoid thinking about the woman. Mercifully, they arrived at the administration office, and in less than two minutes, a taxi was called for Shawnee.
A Hair-Brained Idea
A hair-brained idea to go for a walk when she had only nibbled on biscuits for breakfast after consuming so much alcohol had made her miserable weekend worse. She was resigned to remain indoors and count her losses when she saw an item that, for better or worse, was bound to force her into action. The ID card of the ranger who had walked her from the park to the administrator’s office was inexplicably in her jacket pocket.
She reflected on that morning and the image of the clean-shaven, freshly appointed ranger stared back at her. For some strange reason, she was drawn to his sad, puppy dog eyes. She pondered why she had been so rude to him. As she lay on her couch, those sad eyes were the last thing she remembered before zoning off to sleep. When she awoke, she resolved to return the name card to show her gratitude to the man who had comforted her in her distress.

Sunday Gratitude
So it was that the first thing Shawnee did on Sunday morning was prepare some sandwiches to give to the ranger’s office as a token of gratitude for their kindness the previous day. Dressed in a light floral dress, she left the house at sunrise. It took her only five minutes to reach the park by taxi. She met an obviously bored ranger manning the admissions office at Bukit Batok Nature Park. The ranger had no clue what Shawnee was talking about but gladly accepted the package of sandwiches. Just as she was leaving, she remembered the other reason for her visit: returning the name tag.
A Surprising Encounter
As if by a conspiracy of nature, the man whose image was on the name card walked right into her as she was heading out of the office. After an awkward silence, Shawnee offered her thanks, extended her hand, and almost fled from the office. Lee, always graceful, followed her out and uttered the first thing that came to his mind:
“Maybe we can finish the walk you started yesterday,” said Lee.
Shawnee hesitated and then said, “That would be nice. I certainly wasn’t any company yesterday.”
A Building Chemistry
Three minutes into their walk, they both knew something was building between them. Ten minutes into the walk, she made the first move. As he explained some vegetation she had no interest in, she playfully spanked his bottom, a move that surprised both him and her. Always stoic, Lee didn’t show any emotion, but his heart was racing. Fifteen minutes into their walk, she made a show of brushing against his midsection. Lee wasn’t oblivious to her intentions. However, he didn’t want to assume things, fearing a sexual harassment charge could end his career. He decided to play it safe.
Breaking the Rules
But Shawnee’s body language said it all. Her eyes were glazed, indicating something more than a walk in the park was on her mind. Lee, at 23, had never been with a woman of such daring. Although he had participated in heavy petting and foreplay, he had decided not to have sex until he found the one he wanted to marry. Not that he had lacked opportunities, but he had never felt a strong attraction to anyone. In many ways, he was like her, needing a reason to yield his heart to someone.
Physics 101 says like poles do not attract. Lee and Shawnee violated that law right in the middle of the nature trail. In temperament and look, they could not have been more different. A primal urge enveloped them, and Shawnee, the smart, logical, proper, and prim British expatriate in Singapore, lunged at Lee. The lanky youth was ready for his damsel in distress. With a single heave, he had her legs across his torso and her butt cheeks underneath his hands. He walked away from the nature trail and into the woods, his neck of the woods.
A New Experience
Lee didn’t disappoint. Shawnee had laid him down, taken off his trousers, and guided him into her. Initially, she rocked slowly back and forth against him, then frantically. She came multiple times, squeezing her legs around him while her pelvic walls convulsed after each orgasm. He was getting exhausted, and his cock was so hard he just needed to cum. She continued straddling him, pumping him up and down. Lee thought he was having an out-of-body experience. Each time he was about to cum, she slowed down, not allowing him to ejaculate. His hands fondled her well-endowed breasts, and as she began to moan once again, he felt a sudden urge to dominate her.
A Frenzied Encounter
In one quick motion, he reversed their positions, now being on top, and began pumping into her with an animal-like frenzy. Thrusting so deeply that Shawnee thought she was going to be torn wide open, but the feeling was so good she urged him on. As she began to hit new heights of ecstasy, he fired on all cylinders. Long and short strokes were what the boys had always advised him, and this was definitely the magic elixir with this girl.
Ultimate Outdoor Sex
After so long, Shawnee was finally able to release the pent-up passions that had been caged for the last three years. She was reaching the point of ultimate orgasm, where she knew she could continue no more. Her moans became cries like an unleashed wild animal, and guttural sounds emitted from her throat. It was almost as if she had been reborn as she came, and as she came, he hit that A-Spot, and she began squirting and gushing from her pussy. Finally, the young conqueror, Lee, began to cum while her PC muscles clenched around his cock, and her spurting vagina drenched his cock and balls.
The Climax
“Fuck. I’m cumming!” he yelled as his head rose to the heavens, and finally, his loins unleashed his jism. He spurted one, two, three loads inside her, then pulled out his still-ejaculating cock and spurted his thick jism over her ample breasts. She opened her mouth, and he squirted all over her face and in her mouth. Finally, he was spent and collapsed on top of her. Both of them panted like distressed animals.
They lay there for some time. Finally, Lee faced Shawnee and said, “Would you like to finish our walk now?”
Shawnee replied, “No, I have seen enough nature for one day.”
A Parting Realization
With that, she rose, put her clothes on, and left. Lee realized as she left that he did not even know her name. His misadventure was short, but the memories were enduring. It was the meeting of two kindred spirits, the venting of passions, and the beginning of both of them emerging as the sexual beings they were meant to be.
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