The Rise of The Singapore Gigolo – Between the Sheets

The Rise of The Singapore Gigolo – Between the Sheets

Kathy’s Story

The Singapore Gigolo

Hey! My name is Kathy, and I am a sex-deprived wife of an exceptionally rich Singapore entrepreneur. I have all the material things and lead an extravagant life. The main issue is that my spouse is excessively occupied with his businesses and doesn’t have sufficient energy or time to pay attention to me. He mostly returns late from business engagements with no sexual interest in me.

I suspect that he has a mistress somewhere and is sleeping with her. Since we are so rich and all my needs are met, I do not want to confront him about our lack of sex. However, my thoughts have turned to the Singapore Gigolo.

Lonely Nights

When I feel horny, I sometimes masturbate using sex toys or take the initiative to have sex with my spouse when he returns. This is rare as he is always on business travel. During our limited sex, I always have to stroke my clitoris to achieve those elusive climaxes. I want my clitoris and pussy licked and sucked, but my spouse rarely provides that luxury, except on special occasions like my birthdays.

I am a provocative and delightful Chinese woman living in the wealthy Asian city of Singapore, and I am 39 years old. Due to our wealth, I can spoil myself with the best products and supplements, maintaining an extremely youthful look. My skin is still perfectly smooth, white, and subtle. I probably look 10 years younger than my age.

Life of Luxury

I have three housekeepers to do all the housework and a driver to drive me around and pick up the children. Consequently, I have a lot of spare time to do whatever I want. My body is still in great shape, and I am very proud of my provocative figure of 36A-26-36. My breasts are still firm thanks to the regular spa treatments I receive. My tummy is still flat as I spend most of my evenings at the spa pampering myself. My diet is strict and healthy. I am 5ft 5 inches tall.

New Friends

In the spa and wellness facility, I met two other women, Barbara and Jennifer. Like me, they are rich and bored wives who pamper themselves in spas and wellness centers. We became great friends, and inevitably, our conversations started to turn to our unfortunate sex lives. Barbara introduced me to the world of Singapore playboys.

I thought this only existed in the Western world and not in Singapore. I was pleasantly surprised and started asking about it, not revealing that I wanted to try it. They convinced me to give it a shot, saying they had their best sex with the playboys. Barbara had one particular playboy she kept for regular sex, whom she claimed was the best. His name is Rod.


Since we are such close friends, Barbara was willing to introduce Rod to me. I played it cool as I was not ready to tell them I wanted to sleep with a playboy. Nonetheless, she gave me Rod’s phone number. I was tempted. This planted the seed in my mind, and the thought of another man having sex with me excited me. Just daydreaming about it made my pussy wet and sent shivers down my spine.

Making the Call

As my driver drove me home, I began to check him out sexually like I never had before and inevitably gazed at his crotch. My pussy was so wet that the groin of my underwear was drenched. However, I was still debating whether I should call Rod or not. After three days, filled with thoughts of different men having sex with me, I decided to call Rod. I was shaking with anxiety when I called him.

“Hi, this is Rod speaking. May I know who is on the line?”

“H… Hello, this is Kathy. One of my friends recommended you. I would like to meet you and learn more about you.”

Rod replied, “It is a pleasure, and I also enjoy meeting new friends to share with. When and where would you like to meet?”

Setting Up the Meeting

I thought for a while and answered, “What about Thursday… er… tomorrow at 8:30 pm? Will that work for you?”

Rod said, “That is fine with me. See you at my apartment at 8:30 pm then.” He gave me the address, and we set up the arrangement.

Rich Mans Driver

For once, my husband was in town, making it difficult for me to meet Rod the next day. I had to call to reschedule. I knew Rod was a very popular playboy and wasn’t used to being blown off or canceled on. When he got the call, he sounded a bit annoyed, but I explained the reasons. I assured him that my pretty look and hot body would turn any man on. I made it clear that I did not want an affair but a sexual transaction. We agreed to meet at the same place and time the following day, Friday.


I went to bed that Thursday night feeling energized, apprehensive, and horny about the arrangement. I managed to rest modestly and woke up around 10 am the following day. After waking up, I went into the spa bath and turned on the spa.

My pussy tingled, longing to be touched, and I let the bubbles and water do the trick. As I toweled down, I looked in the mirror, pleased with my body. My perky breasts, flat tummy, hourglass figure, and triangle of thick pussy hairs were perfect.


I wondered which perfume to use as I strolled to my walk-in wardrobe, eventually settling on Allure. I applied Allure to my armpits, neck, and a little on the sides of my breasts. Feeling wicked, I added some aroma to my thighs near my pussy. My body was overcome with ‘electric current’ as I thought about the upcoming sexual adventures. I chose a matching lace bra and thong to show my best. My thick pussy hairs were visible through the lace thong, which Barbara said would turn Rod on. I slipped on a short white dress and applied makeup to my already beautiful face.

The Singapore Gigolo

My driver took me to Rod’s townhouse, and I instructed him to return later. He asked what time to come back, and I lied, saying my friend’s driver would bring me home. I didn’t know how long I would be there. I arrived at Rod’s apartment on time, and he opened the door before I could ring the intercom. He welcomed me in. His 2-room townhouse was tastefully furnished. Rod, about 5ft 10 inches tall, was good-looking, sun-tanned, and youthful. He later told me he was 24 years old.

Getting Acquainted

Rod extended his hand, introduced himself, kissed my cheeks, and commented on my wonderful smell and beauty. He invited me to the couch and asked if I wanted a drink. He said he had a bottle of champagne on ice to help us relax. I said I loved champagne and needed one as I was quite anxious. He opened the champagne and brought two flute glasses to the couch. We toasted to our initial meeting and our new sexual adventure. We spent some time getting to know each other, sharing hobbies and interests.

The Seduction

The entire time, I admired his strong body, which made my pussy tingle and juice up. I could feel my pussy juice leaking from my thong, and my clitoris rubbed against the seam as I imagined the sex to come. We soon discussed sex and what turned us on. He told me he liked women in hot bras, undies, and negligees. I said I was turned on by attractive, muscular men in thongs, especially when they had a huge cock visible through the material.

He asked if I wanted him to strip down to his thong, and I enthusiastically replied, ‘Yes.’


Rod got up and sensually removed his T-shirt, flexing his chest muscles. He had a strong body, not quite a weight lifter, but muscular enough to be sexually arousing. His six-pack was prominent with his tanned skin, which turned me on immensely. He slowly unfastened his trousers, revealing a dark thong and the sizeable lump of his semi-erect dick. He began to rub his penis, and it continued to grow, reaching at least 8 inches long and thick. I got up, walked over to him, and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back, using his tongue to lick around my lips before sliding it into my mouth.

The Encounter

I let my hand wander to his fully erect penis, touching it through his thong. His cock was much thicker and longer than my husband’s tiny 4½ inches. As I rubbed it, it poked out through the top seam of his G-string. The head of his dick glistened with pre-cum, looking tasty and inviting. I quickly grabbed his cock and gently licked up the pre-cum. It tasted delicious. He unfastened the top of my dress and slowly lifted me to my feet, letting my dress peel off.

Ready for More

Rod admired my smooth skin, leaving me in my lace bra and thong. He said, ‘You are truly attractive, and I love your bra and thong. I adore a hairy pussy, and I see you have delivered. You are my fantasy woman, and I am lucky to have this chance to fuck you. I trust I can fulfill your sexual needs. Let’s now take this to the bedroom.’

Gigolo in Underwear
Andrew Christian Gigolo

Rod’s Jumbo Waterbed

He lifted me off my feet and carried me to his jumbo waterbed. Peeling off his thong, he climbed onto the bed and kissed me. I looked down, not disappointed with what I was about to pay for. He kissed and licked spots like my neck, armpits, arms, and hands. I felt shivering sensations everywhere, projecting from my now soaking wet pussy. He massaged my body, which felt electrified, then kissed around my pussy and ass.

Electric Touch

Rod kept kissing and licking, and it took all my willpower not to grab his head and force him to eat my pussy. Gently, he unclasped my bra and began to kiss and lick my nipples. Within seconds, I gasped and orgasmed.

“Strike One,” Rod said.

He massaged my exposed breasts, making my nipples extremely hard. I felt the cool air in the room as he squeezed both breasts and took a nipple into his mouth. His tongue moved in my mouth, and he toyed with my nipples, making them harder.

I came again. “Strike Two,” he said.

Deep Desires

He grinned, kissed me, and licked down my neck to my shoulder, then over the top of my breast. He kissed and licked his way between my cleavage and back to my erect nipple. Sucking on them, his tongue licked across them. He held the nipple in his mouth between his lips. I held his head to my chest as he moved from one breast to the next, and back again. His lips made me wetter. My pussy lips were completely swollen, and my clit tingled.

Teasing and Pleasing

He kissed down my stomach and over the waistband of my white lace thong. His warm breath on my thighs made me shiver as he kissed around the leg bands. I tried to move his head to my pussy, but he teased me by kissing the material covering my heat and licking around the leg band. He lifted the thong leg to the side, and his long tongue licked over my opening.

I arched into his face, moaning. “Oh, God Rod! That feels so good! Lick me! Eat my pussy and make me cum again.”

Overwhelming Sensations

Rod obliged, slowly removing my thong, then licking my clit and opening me wide. He put his tongue deeply into my pussy, drinking my juices eagerly. Within moments, I began to come repeatedly. My vagina opened wider than ever before.

Gazing at my gaping pussy, Rod asked, “Are you up for a good fucking now?”

I said, “I am extremely horny and eager to be fucked by you, but I need to see your huge dick.”

Ready for More

He sat up, letting me see his enormous, circumcised cock. I gazed longingly at the 8 inches and gently touched it.

“I’ve never had a cock that big before. I’ve only been fucked by my husband, who has a small dick. I’m not sure if I can take it all.”

Trust and Desire

“Trust me, you will enjoy this,” he said, as pre-cum glittered on his cock.

He gazed at me and gradually pulled my thong down my thighs until it was under my ass cheeks. He slid them down my legs, then off completely. His hand rubbed up my inner thigh until his fingers touched my wet pussy. Putting my foot on his shoulder opened me up for him, and he used his magical fingers. He let them wander over my open cunt, touching my ass. I dripped from his touch.

The Climax

Sliding his other hand between my thighs, he inserted his finger into my pussy, rubbing my G-spot while sucking my clit. As he sucked and licked, his finger rubbed more of my G-spot.

I started to groan, holding his head. “Oh, Rod!! I need you to fuck me! I need your enormous cock deep inside my pussy! Fuck me!”

The Build-Up

He looked up and grinned while rubbing his finger against my G-spot. Climbing up.

He kissed my neck and said, “What I need, Kathy, is for you to tell me exactly what you like best about sex. Then guide me as I make love to your body that way. Tell me what you like my hands, fingers, mouth, tongue, and cock to do that makes you feel the best.”

I groaned as he moved back to lick and suck my clitoris.

Sensual Desires

He was driving me wild with desire! I was dripping pussy juices into his mouth as I divulged my deepest, darkest sensual desires. I told him the positions I wanted to experience, how I wanted to be fucked, and taboo desires I had never shared before. All the while, he gradually rubbed his finger against my G-spot and sucked my clitoris. I could feel my pussy squeezing his finger.

The sensation was hair-raising.

Intensifying Pleasure

My hips lifted off the bed, pressing into his face and finger until I couldn’t talk anymore. I shut my eyes and let his hand, mouth, and tongue satisfy my body. I groaned as my body moved toward my third and most intense climax so far. I moaned, yelled, and growled like an insane beast. Never before had I experienced feelings like this. When I thought I could cum no more, I continued to gush pussy juices that Rod drank down.

Rod’s Magic Touch

His finger and tongue made delicate love to my hot pussy, sending thrills over my whole body. It felt like magic. He knew exactly when to rub, push, or pull his finger around my throbbing pussy. My pussy was so swollen and continued to climax.

“Keep coming for me. You need to release it all,” he said.

I lifted my ass off the bed, my hips pumping against his face and hand. I shouted out from the sensations of his touch.

Euphoric Climax

I continued to climax, holding his head tight against my pussy with my legs. My head was tossed back, eyes shut, as I bucked my pussy against his finger and tongue. Never before had I experienced such a climax!

I shouted, “Good God. I can’t stop coming!”

Then, “Good gracious, it was more than great! I never have experienced anything like it, and I haven’t even been fucked!”

I murmured his name as the sensations began to die down.

The Next Step

He smiled and said, “Strike three, and now it’s time for some fucking!”

He moved and kissed me tenderly. As he held and stroked my body,

He asked, “Did you enjoy that, Kathy? How was it? Did I satisfy you?”

I opened my eyes and said, “God yes! You satisfy me so much! But now, I need your dick in my hot pussy to complete this! I’ve never felt so good in my life. Fuck me, Rod! I need you to fuck me!”

Ready for More

He grinned and kissed me, saying, “Great. How would you like to start? Let’s try you on top first, Kathy. I want to watch your body as it moves on my cock, and that way you can control the speed.”

I agreed, saying, “Alright, Rod, I will do this for you.”

He moved on his back with his hard, erect manhood upright. I centered myself over him, straddling his hips with my knees.

Adutlsmart Gigolo Sex Story
Gigolo Sex Story at Adultsmart

The Tease

Rod reached up and squeezed my breasts, feeling my hard nipples in his palms.

“Rub your nipples for me, Kathy. Let me see you pull them and make them harder!”

I giggled and told him how naughty he made me feel. I pulled and rubbed my nipples with my fingers, then guided his hands to my breasts.

“Now you do it, my darling,” I said. I moved my hands to his cock, pushing down on its base, making it stand high and hard.


He groaned yes, still playing with my nipples. I slowly lowered myself until my pussy touched his penis head. He groaned as I teased him, sliding my pussy down until half the head was in. Then, I moved back, barely touching his head again. I did this several times until his hips lifted off the bed, trying to push more of his cock into my dripping pussy. He held my hips as I worked on taking his head and some of the shaft.

Surroundings and Ambience

The room was dimly lit, creating an intimate and sensual atmosphere. Soft, ambient music played in the background, enhancing the mood. The scent of jasmine filled the air, mingling with the musk of our bodies. The waterbed’s gentle sway added to the overall sensation, making every movement feel fluid and natural. The silk sheets beneath us felt cool against our heated skin, heightening the sensory experience.

Feelings and Emotions

The anticipation and desire between us were palpable. Every touch, kiss, and caress was electric, sending shivers down my spine. My heart raced with excitement and longing as Rod expertly navigated my body, knowing exactly how to drive me wild. The connection we shared in those moments was intense and primal, leaving me breathless and yearning for more. I felt alive, desired, and completely in the moment, lost in the pleasure we were creating together.

Physical Sensations

Every sensation was heightened, from the cool air on my skin to the warmth of Rod’s body against mine. The contrast between his rough hands and my soft skin created a tantalizing mix of pleasure and pain. His tongue’s flicks and strokes on my clitoris sent waves of ecstasy through my body. The feeling of his fingers inside me, expertly finding my G-spot, pushed me to the edge repeatedly. My body responded to his every move, desperate for more of the exquisite pleasure he provided.

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