Living as an Expat in Singapore
Getting Laid In Singapore – Living as an expat in the wonderful city of Singapore can be quite a delight in the truest sense. You’re basically a wanderer or a nomad, breaching political barriers and borders as you look for a place to live in beside your own motherland; yes, I am in my fatherland. Being far away from home can be a bit daunting, to say the least, but the experience here is unfathomable.
The work, the culture, the entire setting in the heart of the eastern world, Singapore has never failed to impress and send me babbling with alienated words and picking up on cheap street language to describe how truly at home I feel right here.
Experiencing the Nuances of Life
The place is exceptionally great for people like me who love to experience the nuances of life. I’ve been here for five years now, and the place has given me great opportunities and warm and wonderful people to interact with. I even love the nightlife here as it truly expands and glows in the dark.
As a lot of Singapore is still into the traditional Chinese customs and culture, the ways of the world are constantly putting it through amazing changes, and Singapore has now embraced globalization completely. It is amazing to watch it grow and be part of the upbeat of the world.
Challenges of Expat Life
As for me, I am a weird guy living in a completely sane city. When words fail me, I stick to hooting, and that, my friend, can get you in trouble in Singapore. While the rules of domesticated life, something I will never know, hover over you like a chandelier, you know you have entered Singapore.
Girls are hard to find, as they seem to turn the other way around when they know you’re an expat and you live on pretty much an unstable salary schedule. While Americans roll either way, when in Singapore, you need to abide by the culture brewing hot but untouchable girls, unless you’re in the fantastic phase of spotting and attending a bash or an event. Here, girls leave their rule books at home and guys, well, they act just like guys!
A Life-Changing Event
One such event that changed my life in two ways graced me on my way to a quick project meeting in the summer of 2019 with a Singaporean businessman who, by the looks of it, seemed old and young at the same time—perhaps it was just the lighting. On my way there, I hailed a cab and drove through the picture-perfect, magnanimous structures of the Marina Bay Sands.
Almost instantly, my smartphone buzzed, and I checked to find a message from my bud Colin, who sent me a poster of the greatest party ever, all painted in the colors of the rainbow. My jaws dropped and my eyes popped at the crime scene. I would reckon the cab driver too jumped off his seat at my stark and unruly hyperventilation. I was staring down in complete and utter distrust and typed back, “No way…”.
Quickly a response entered, “Get ready, you’re in for a treat!”.
Excitement for Ultra Singapore 2019
I clicked on the media file once again, and there it was, looking at me, the poster inviting me to the biggest party ever! Ultra and Ultra Worldwide had brought the party to the shores of Singapore with their project called Road to Ultra 2019. Yes! Yes! Yes! I shouted as I made a fist and jabbed it in a victorious, maybe also graceful gesture. The cab driver looked at me with disgust, and he was quite exasperated.
Probably he had wife issues and disliked the sight of happiness, joy, and the likes, or perhaps, he was just too miserable in his life. But not me. Not right now. Today, I am jumping with joy; my rave days are back again. This will be the closest I’ll be to the shores of Miami Beach.

Meeting Mr. Siong
When I reached Mr. Siong, he was as sore to my eye as a platypus to a tiger who was too afraid to go into the water. I bet he could feel the enthusiasm reeking from my skin as he was giving it his all to try and repress the beam of light shining through me. After great difficulty and tries, he hung up his shoes and let me have my moment of glory as he wrapped up his assignment quickly, and he even spoke quicker than anticipated.
I shook his hand and bowed as I made my way to the end of the room. Just as I went to show myself out of the room, I turned back and said, “I hope you can make it to the next Ultra Singapore. It’s going to be a blast.”
When there was nothing but a blank stare back, I quickened my pace and headed out. I pressed 2 on my keypad, and there was Colin on the other side of the phone network connecting us.
“Two tickets!” I said as I caught my breath.
“Oh hoi! My boy’s got a date.” Colin was relieved; he really believed that I would enter my grave without a spontaneous erotic romp.
“Not a date, Colin. I meant two tickets for the two of us,” I clarified.
“Awww. I thought you’d never ask! Bye!” and there he slammed his clichéd line.
Anticipation Builds
Ultra Singapore 2019 was taking place just a day after my birthday and was eight months away from the time I heard from Colin on the confirmation of the tickets. It was a great event that was coming across the sea and onto the lands where the lion spits water.
Being it was created originally as an all-American event, it was a sense of belonging for me, and I had to attend. It was like a tickle-in-the-back-of-my-throat experience that overwhelmed me. Like always, Colin had my back, and he managed the tickets for us both. The date was now marked on my calendar, and the craze was from another world altogether.
Ultra Singapore 2019
Ultra Singapore 2019 is an electronic dance music (EDM) festival that was conceived on American soil but now wanted to travel the world. Yes, I know the resemblance is uncanny. While the American festival is an expansive three-day extravagance, the Singapore debut was just a one-night-only affair. But, now with the entire entourage coming in to greet us, we were in for a two-day blast.
With the EDM party on and my party cap ready, I kept striking off days on my calendar. More than my birthday, I was looking forward to the crazy time I was expected to have at the craziest party on the surface of the planet. Trust me, Singapore is going to explode in the waves of the music!
The Perfect Location
The Ultra Singapore 2019 organizers must have thought, where can we have the biggest rave party of all time and looked at Singapore’s map. They looked at the Ultra Park at Bayfront Avenue and childishly looked at each other, smirking till their jaws hurt.
These were the thoughts squirming in my head through these days that passed by, and soon, it was my birthday! The wait from 12 am on the 9th till 12 am on the 10th was the longest day of my life. Yes, I was thrilled at turning 29, but it was the Ultra Singapore 2019 the next day, and I was going for it!

Arrival at Ultra Park
By the time I arrived, I was on the premise of Ultra Park, Bayfront Avenue, and the crowd here was berserk; plus, there were the hottest girls on the planet, lovely Singaporean girls with no escort or arm candy. A deep-gutted feeling that this could be the day when I finally set out for a one-night stand or anything better on a spontaneous basis in Singapore took me by surprise.
Colin sure wasn’t in the mood to place bets on my chances of getting laid as he was all over the place once we entered, making sure he knew every nook and cranny of the place as he knew, like our previous outing, we wouldn’t really know how to get back out after a drunken and other substances rampage.
Entering the Festival
Holding my ticket in my hand, I proceeded to where the crowds, by the multitude, were heading. I checked in, and the band on my hand was now proof that this was going to be some night. With three outdoor staging areas: the Ultra Main Stage, the Live Stage, and the Resistance Stage, there was going to be a pulsating vibe throughout the music festival.
I was expecting to be drenched in music by 40 artists including Afrojack, Alesso, deadmau5, Axwell ^ Ingrosso, and many newbies on the scene too. With such a bang start at the Road to Ultra Singapore 2019, with an attendance of 11,000 party-goers, I was already impatient as I entered the Ultra Main Stage area and was impatient to book myself for the next full-blown event.
The energy in the area was sky-high, and if I could stack 6-footers in a vertical line for every piece of the adrenaline rush I was experiencing, I would surely reach the moon and set foot on it.
Experiencing the Crowd
The crowd there was amazingly wild for a city like Singapore. Though the nightlife here is quite a kick for an all-party-no-sleep American, with Ultra Singapore 2019, the bar was raised to exceptional heights. Colin was beside me all the while as we made our way to the center of the area. We held in our hands a glow stick each to attract the ladybugs our way and bang the living lights out of it when the music was cranked up.
I’ve partied with Colin before, and he’s quite the party-popper, not pooper. He strategically places himself and moves within the crowds to get the optimum level of sound intensity and also backstage action as he possibly can. The light dimmed as the crowds gathered.
I could see a sea of people ahead of me and behind me, Singaporeans and folks from other nations as well; I know this because it was pretty evident and also because some of them were literally carrying their country’s flag. The sight was truly mesmerizing, and I was enthralled!
The Blackout
At an EDM festival, if you are looking out for the next best thing after the music, you surely would be looking for the lights! The lights grab the show and serve as a great support to the heavy music thrust upon us. Ultra Singapore 2019 was one hell of a light show. The pumping music took up as deadmau5 took to the stage.
The crowds of over 20,000 people were stomping and jumping to the intoxicating music, and Colin and I were two among them. The feeling was crazy; with the music, I could lose my mind. The lineup then geared for DJ Snake, and he spun the wheel to a crazy start while ushering in Afrojack and later Alesso.
The later artists were equally formidable and tuned out our senses to the highest level possible. The feeling was that of trance setting up on us. As the beat kicked off, Colin insisted that we check out the other two stages as well.
The Other Stages
The Live Stage was equally exuberant and filled with magnanimous crowds just like the Main Stage, and while we landed up there, we were hit, like a meteorite would, by the brilliant music by Slumberjack. The sheer brilliance in the music even aroused me erotically, and my feelings of the initial getting laid bit revisited me.
Music, beer, and lights—the combination was deadlier than I thought. Music so refined and palatable was unheard of and frankly, unseen by me before. At that moment, I thanked God for the friend I had in Colin. “Brad! Over here!” Colin has to be followed around; otherwise, he and you both would be lost in the crowds. There would be glasses exchanged and drinks doubled, but the feeling would be completely out of this world.
As I followed him, I realized he led me now to the Resistance Stage. Damn! He was smart, and he knew his way around. Whatever happened during the time we got lost! Back to the scene, we were now listening to Zig Zghs belt out a big one. My feet didn’t give way yet, and this was just day one. I couldn’t explain at the time how awesome the light-headedness felt.
The End of Day 1
Day one ended on a very high note, and I was home only at 7:30 am. When it was the perfect time, I slept like a baby. Mental note: I got high, and I got low, but I didn’t get laid.

Getting Laid
The Blackout Part 2
Waking Up on Day Two
I woke up to the ringing at the door.
“Wake up, mate!” There was Colin, as fresh as a baby’s butt, with no visible signs of bruised and skinned knees or even heavy, red eyes.
I woke up and headed straight for the kitchen. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and munched away. As I headed toward the closet to dress up for day two, I packed my bag with two bottles of water, loads of small toffees, some change, some packs of condoms (in case I got lucky), a change of clothes (again, in case I got lucky), and a couple of other treats I cannot really talk about, especially in Singapore.
After all, it was day two of the biggest party on the face of the earth, and I was going to go big and fat CRAZY. I was blown by the fact that Donald Trump wouldn’t be there; just thinking about it would have been one hell of a treat.
Arrival at the Venue
We arrived at the venue all excited, just like the day before, and we knew nothing more than the fact that we needed to party like no one had ever partied before. The night was ours and ours alone—this seemed to be our anthem, played on loop in our heads.
We again proceeded to the Main Stage area, and the siren sounded, the countdown took place, and the place vibrated with bursts of energy and enthusiastic ravers bringing the house down. Day two kick-started with Axwell ^ Ingrosso rubbing it on and pumping the crowd favorites like “Can’t Hold Us Down” and “This Time.” The crowd pumped wildly, and the roar on the second day overcame the energy grinding from day one.
Meeting Someone Special
The stage was soon handed over to Above & Beyond, and to tell you the truth, I couldn’t make out in the crowd the whereabouts of Colin. As I searched for his familiar face, my hand accidentally brushed against the softest touch I’ve ever felt. By the looks of it, she seemed Singaporean, but she was exceptionally beautiful. Touching her lips in tune with the music, I couldn’t help but stop jumping and later, gulping.
She looked at me and smiled as I advanced toward her. Her straight and light hair was more than I could take. There was already an ambiance around me because of the sweeties I had taken, and I was ready to be sexually aroused to the highest level, and Ultra Singapore 2019 was right here with me. Taking the chance I threw a smile in her direction in return, and WOW! She returned my smile with an even larger one. I was floored, and I couldn’t take it anymore.
Pushing myself closer to her I started to dance with her, our bodies rubbing against each other. It was so hard down there, and to even breathe without continuously touching her seemed almost impossible. Lost in the music, we were both frolicking together among the crowds of people. There was yet no conversation between us nor any weird hand signs that I normally resort to while I try to get dirty and get down. Our bodies moved in unison to the music and with each other. We seemed to become a shared organism.
Getting Laid In Singapore
This was something different and yet so special. I never thought that Ultra Singapore could actually make this happen in the best way possible. As the lights started pumping violently, I spotted Colin at a far end, indulging in some good sort himself. He was clearly all over this American girl who was also dancing like there was no tomorrow. The both of them hit it off and almost looked like Patrick Swayze and Baby. The beat heated up with action from Marshmello and Justin Oh.
Me and the girl in my arms were into each other the whole night through.
“Do you have a place to go to?” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
“No place right now. We could crash at your place and call it a night,” she replied.
I was in the ninth heaven if there was any. I checked my watch to find we were dead beat in the wee hours of the morning—3:30 am. We took off as I bade farewell to Colin and his lovely lady, as I took my lovely lady back to my bachelor pad.
An Erotic Encounter
Yes, that night I got laid with one of the most beautiful girls I had ever met. I got laid at Ultra Singapore 2019, and it was amazing. As soon as we got back to my apartment, there were no words, just an understanding as she slipped out of her silky, skin-tight dress. I got out of my clothes, and we both climbed into my bed naked as the days we were born.
She had shaved, and there was no pubic hair, and I could see her sweet slit. I went down on her and drank her most intimate juices as if they were the nectar of the gods. Not to be outdone, she also took me in her mouth and swallowed me.
Throughout the early morning hours until daylight, we laid together having sex, not once but many times until the exhaustion took a toll and we stopped. We sat within each other and spoke of everything under the sun and the moon, feeling the most comfortable I had ever been with a woman. Still wrapped in our linen sheets, we watched each other’s Ultra bands tightly stuck to our wrists and smiled.
It was a defining moment for me because it was the night of my life and the time I got laid in a very erotic and spontaneous manner. The music, beer, lights, sweeties, and the girl—the combination was now lethal, and I stood true to the American promise. Colin and I took her one more time intimately but with a hunger I had never felt before. We fit, it was right, and we both exploded, and in my head, the lights were brighter and more tantalizing than at the Ultra Festival itself.
I really hope all this wasn’t a dream because such energizing music can only be spread into my heart through an Ultra Music Festival at a scale as large as this. If you want to know how to party and how to get to the lovely girls, you too can surely rely on an Ultra Music Festival like the one in Singapore. What a time in my life to be at the first-ever Southeast Asian Ultra party and get laid till I was gasping for breath.
My mind wandered each moment from the time she got up from bed and made her way to the bathroom with a sheet around her, looking magnificent and sensual. Quite naturally, if you ever get to know me, you will know that I could not help but follow her and had her again in the bathroom—it was paradise once again.
Ultra Singapore 2019 was the best event that I have ever been to in my life. The two days, along with the big shows featured and the three stages that packed audiences to the brim, were mind-blowing. It filled my senses, and it made me crave more. The thumping beats and the great, big Singapore experience were like no other.
Plus, what can I say about Jia? Yes, I do have her name now and her phone number, and I might get lucky again soon—but only with her. She is exceptional and a wonderful human being as well. We hit it off quickly, and I owe this one to Ultra Singapore 2019. Music—Beer—Lights!
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