Colors and Longing
How To Get The Best Passionate Prostitute in Little India.
The skylight from our apartment shows a beautiful setting in a rainbow of different color schemes as each building has its own design. I watch from my window on the top floor to see the majestic view as the sun goes down and our Little India lights up for everyone to enjoy. But with the hustle and bustle below, I wonder if anyone pays attention to the hues. Just as the colors change, so do the flutters in my heartbeat. I know he will be home soon, but will he notice me? I am American, and he is Indian.
Unnoticed Love
This man who has captured my heart hardly knows I am alive. Hastily, he eats his dinner and then goes into the study. He yells out at me, “I must work, Margaret!” I know his mind is someplace else, but how can I get his attention? We met last year at an office party when his architectural firm was hosting a gathering for its top executives. I was one of the call-girls sent to entertain and keep the businessmen happy. Our eyes met, and I knew that we were destined to be together.
Rikin and I had beautiful sex for the first few months, and he wanted me to be only his. He didn’t want me to see any other clients. I liked this idea as I did not want to grow old without a husband. He brought me to his high-rise apartment, and I instantly fell in love with him even more deeply than I thought possible. He said that he had a five-year lease on the place, so we had to remain here. This was fine with me as we had three bedrooms. Rikin said that was for when his family visited so they would have their own space.
Family Visits
I deeply wanted to meet his family, and this was the first time he had mentioned them. I did not fit into his caste system, I soon found out, and had to go to a hotel while his parents and sister were in town. This hurt me greatly, but he explained that it would only be for one time so he could explain to them about me. I had expected to meet them on their first visit, but this did not happen.
The next time they came to town, I hastily took my things from the apartment and found any hotel available. This upset me horribly, so much that I was in tears. I met up with Joe, an American friend. Joe soothed away my tears, got me a room at his hotel, and took me out to dinner. We had just a few too many vodka martinis. It was exciting to have a date, and besides, I had grown bored being alone so much in our apartment.
An Unplanned Night
Joe brought me back to the hotel where we both were staying. He took me to my room. As he bent over to kiss me goodbye, I whispered in his ear, “Please come in, I don’t want to be alone just yet.” He asked me, “Have you ever gone to the movies?” I said, “Sometimes, why?” He asked again, “Did you see the latest Bond flick?” I replied, “Yes, why?” He flirted, “He was in Singapore with a beautiful woman much like you. Can I be your Bond for the night?” I was caught by surprise and replied, “What a line!”
Joe only smiled and waltzed me into the bedroom. Then he remarked, “Has it worked?” while he unzipped my dress. I know now that I should have stopped him. His breath was hot against mine, and as he began to nibble on my breast, I wanted more. Rikin had not been there for me in a while, and there was no promise of marriage, so why not? I unbuttoned Joe’s shirt, and he quickly slipped it off while I got out of my clothes. Before I knew it, we were both between the sheets.
Regret and Guilt
Joe knew how to make a woman feel good as he touched me in all the right places. It sent me into utter ecstasy as he rubbed my clitoris. He began to suck on me, which caused an arousal that had been too long in coming. Then, before I knew it, he had penetrated me, and we had uninhabited sex. Soon he was done and fell asleep. I then began to worry about what I had done. Would he tell on me? I couldn’t sleep but lay awake thinking about my future with Rikin, the man I truly loved.
The next morning, Joe had gotten up and gone back to his room without a word, but later that day, he asked me not to tell Rikin, or he might lose his position. I was glad that this could be our little secret. Rikin called me on his cell phone and asked me to meet him at our local fresh food market for lunch. There, you could get salads. I cleaned myself up and tried to look the best I could and hoped not to look guilty.

Unexpected Family Meeting
When I arrived, Rikin took me to a table where his mother, father, sister, brother-in-law, and grandpa sat. He introduced me to them all and told them that I was to become his wife. They hugged me and welcomed me into the family. Tears swelled up in my eyes because I thought this would never happen. Now how foolish had I been giving myself to Joe. God help me if he ever reveals that night. That afternoon, his family returned home, and his sister told me that we would have to make plans for the wedding.
Rikin and I went back to our apartment where he told me that I would not have to leave ever again. Now, I was to become his wife, and his family knew we lived together. He headed towards his study, and I wondered if this marriage would work. But within five minutes, he came out with a package wrapped for me! He told me to take it to the bedroom to unwrap it. He wanted me to put it on for him.
Best Passionate Prostitute
He had bought me a beautiful nightgown, all in navy blue to match my eyes, he proclaimed. Then he ran the water in our hot tub, which we had not used since I moved in. He had a bottle of champagne and some caviar on a tray set on the corner. The hot tub had candles all around it, with magnolia blossoms floating on the water. I could see all the rainbow colors from the buildings reflected in the water. Rikin gently took off my beautiful gown and laid it over a chair.
He wanted to see my body and taste me before we went to bed. I was astonished at his gentleness as he touched me. He had me sit in the hot tub with my legs spread and asked me to rub my breasts while he caressed my clitoris. He sucked on my tits while he placed himself deep inside me. The warmth of the tub and his penis together gave me a strong orgasm. I didn’t know what to do but enjoy the evening with this man who would soon become my husband.
Wedding Plans
Several weeks had passed, and his sister and I had been talking about having the wedding in Little India, Singapore, on the bridge that crossed over the lake where the beautiful flowers were always in bloom. I wanted a night wedding so I could see all the lights in the water. Afterwards, we would all board his best friend Rajah’s boat and sail down to the nightclub for drinks to celebrate. I was excited about such a wonderfully planned wedding that would take place within the month. Things with Rikin and me were wonderful because now we were free to enjoy our bodies together, feeling exquisite highs when we made love.
I was off to the Mega Mall and tried to hail a cab at the busiest time of day. A cab door opened, and inside the man said, “Join me, we can give you a lift.” I felt uneasy because it was Joe. But I thought I had to be brave and show no fear. Joe said, “I hear you will get married soon. I am glad for my old friend and wish you both the best.” I replied, “Thank you. Driver, please take me to the Mega Mall.” Joe said, “Do you remember where I live? I am tired of living in that run-down dump of a hotel.”
A Dangerous Proposition
I replied, “Yes, of course, I will never forget it.” He exclaimed, “You can help me get out.” I replied nervously, “I don’t know how. I don’t have any money. My husband-to-be runs our finances.” Joe asked, “How soon can we meet?” I was terrified and replied, “I don’t want to meet with you anymore, Joe.” Joe angrily said, “Meet with me, or I will give Rikin your underwear that I took when we had sex and tell him what you did with me.” I stammered, feeling uneasy, “Alright, then tomorrow afternoon at 2:00. Where do you want me to meet? You will give me back everything you took from me that night.” He stated calmly, “You will meet in my room so no one will know, of course. I will tell you what you can do to help me get ahead in the company. You will be totally off the hook then.”
Meeting with Joe
It was time, and I went to the hotel dressed in black with a hoodie so no one would recognize me. I felt so ashamed for what I had let happen that night. Joe opened the door and pulled me inside with a sheepish grin. He had my panties, bra, and stockings in a small box. He offered me a drink, but I refused and grabbed for the box. Joe stopped me and said, “Now to your end of the bargain. I want you to introduce me to Rikin as an old college friend. And if
Reluctant Agreement
I did not want to do it, but he agreed to return the items to me after the meeting. Joe told me to take the drink so we could complete the second part of the agreement. I asked, “What is that, Joe?” He then told me to take off my clothes and bend over the chair. I told him that I did not want to ever have sex with him again. “I know,” he said, “But a man has his needs. I cannot screw you after you marry Rikin. We will all become friends, so this is my last time. You want me out of your life, right?”
A Disheartening Encounter
I took off my pants and shoes and bent over the old chair. This time, I was not excited, nor did I climax as he gave me what he called a really good screw. When he was done, I dressed and left. I prayed that my Rikin would never know, or our marriage would never work.
When I returned home, I went straight to the shower and let the water run over my body for a long time. I did not realize how long it had been when suddenly I felt a hand behind me reaching up to touch my breasts
. I jumped a bit, and Rikin said nervously, “Honey, it’s only me.”
I was glad it was him and that he would soon be the only man to ever touch me again.
A New Beginning
It felt good to have his arms around me and his lips close to mine while we were both taking a shower. He picked me up and gently carried me to the bedroom. I knew that Rikin and I were meant to be together forever in our apartment in Little India, Singapore.
Life should be great for me and Rikin. He is one of the top men at his firm, and we have a beautiful apartment with all the amenities a woman could ever want. The problem is our “friend” Joe has been hired by Rikin to work in his office. Joe often visits us. Rikin and Joe have become great friends, and he visits us regularly. My problem is that now Joe thinks I am his property as well, and I know it won’t be long before he wants me again.
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