The Girl From Malaysia Night To Remember In Geylang District

The Girl From Malaysia Night To Remember In Geylang District

Arriving in Geylang

The Girl From Malaysia – Arriving in Geylang, my thoughts drifted toward the urban tales of the Girl From Malaysia in Singapore. I wanted to get a drink before heading home. It was close to midnight when I found my way into the Only One Music bar. The place was empty, save for me and the bartender, who looked as old as the neighborhood she lived in—if not older. This was unusual for the red-light hot spot. Obviously, COVID had something to do with that.

Nervous to be alone but excited for some well-deserved R&R, I asked her what she had on tap. No answer came from her cherry-painted lips, just a vacant look behind those eyes, perpetually distant from their surroundings. She didn’t rush to take my order either, instead enjoying whatever occupied her behind the bar’s frosted glass walls while absently pouring my beer.

Eerie Atmosphere

I could tell she wasn’t listening, even though I stood right in front of her. She was on autopilot, so I just went to one of the few tables in the bar. Once my drink arrived and the bartender disappeared into the back, I sat there pondering what had just happened. It felt like time had stopped while my mind wandered aimlessly.

From what I’ve heard, this place is usually full at this time on a Saturday night, but tonight it seemed deserted, as if everyone was scared off. A scene from the Twilight Zone entered my head. She seemed almost inhuman, like something from a horror movie that used to scare me as a child. I wondered why she looked the way she did and what kind of place this was anyway.

Horror Movie Vibes

At first, I thought the place would be done up with white or neon lights, but it seemed like the only illumination came from some kind of neon light behind the bar. It left much to be desired as far as ambiance was concerned. The decor looked like it was straight out of an 80s B-movie. Everything seemed fake and grimy, except for her red lipstick, which really stood out in that light. The whole place felt like a horror movie, especially when it was so empty.

I started to get a little nervous, looking at the door behind me and my drink. I really wanted to leave, but thought if I stayed longer, maybe she might say something. I decided to wait a few more minutes. To my surprise, she came back, but still no words were exchanged between us. She placed another full bottle of beer on the table in front of me, as if too heavy to hold any longer. It fell on the table with a loud thud, spilling some of its contents over the edge and onto my pants.

Nervous Encounters

With a mouth full of beer, I could barely say, “Thank you.”

She seemed blasé about the whole thing and just walked away without offering a napkin to clean my pants or apologizing. I didn’t know what to do, so I just sat there, contemplating whether to stay for the second beer. The decision was made for me when she came back with a stack of plates in her time-worn hands. She put them on the bar and went off to the back room again. I heard a door slam, as if hitting the wall behind it.

By this point, I was getting really nervous, so much so that my hands trembled, making it hard to hold my beer bottle. Before long, I had drunk the second beer dry, but no one came out to clear the dishes or bill me for the second beer. It seemed like an eternity had passed, and finally, she came out again; glasses hanging down her face with a blank look. She reached for another beer for me. Like a scene from Groundhog Day, the same scene played out, but this time she didn’t seem as annoyed about spilling it on me, probably because my pants were already damp from the last one.

Girls From Malaysia
Girls From Malaysia xxx Sex

The Unexpected Visitor

Then I saw her—she was beautiful—walking in through the front door! All else forgotten, I finally managed to get a hold of myself. She looked like a normal person who just happened to be in this place. Her face seemed kind, but I knew what she was. This was Geylang, of course. That’s when the bar lights came on, and it wasn’t the neon behind the bar anymore; it was hard white light from the neon magnetic strip lighting overhead. With those thoughts in mind, her eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped into an unfathomable “oh.”

It took me a moment to realize it too, then I looked down at myself and saw my pants were soaked from the beers that had spilled earlier. The truth was, I had gotten so drunk I wondered if the three beers were laced with something. I didn’t know why I was here anymore. The only thing I knew was this girl, who looked no older than 17, was amazingly hot. That’s when it hit me, and my face flushed red—she had noticed. I got up embarrassed, looking down at my soaking trousers. She lowered her head, looking away, then back at me before speaking in a voice like velvet.

“You don’t have to leave. Let me get you a dry pair of pants so you can stay until the bar closes.” “Ok,” I replied.

An Unexpected Offer

But then my thoughts returned to what had just happened; the look on her face when she spoke those words. I realized she wasn’t just a regular waitress; she was one of the Malaysia girls in Singapore I had heard about. I had been dreaming of meeting one, and now here I was, drunk, with wet pants, and her feeling sorry for me. This was not how it was supposed to happen. When she came back, I could feel my excitement rising, my embarrassment turning into desire. Then, to my surprise, she held not a pair of pants, but a pair of her own G-string panties—pink with little orange flowers.

“I’ve got nothing else to give you,” she said with sarcasm, a pout on her lips, and disappointment in her eyes. “And now I have no panties on.”

“Oh no! They’re okay—don’t worry about it. I’ll keep my pants on. Thank you,” I said, handing her the panties back.

She took them with a smile. A moment later, she returned with another beer and some folded paper towels from the bar’s counter.

She handed me a couple. “Clean yourself up. Make yourself look respectable if you’re going to be with me.”

There wasn’t much to clean aside from the beer on my pants. I walked to the public toilet and found a hand dryer. Though feeling like a contortionist, after a few minutes, I managed to dry my pants to a respectable condition.

The Girl From Malaysia Experience
The Girl From Malaysia Sex

The Girl From Malaysia

Cross Dressing

I returned to the bar, but she was not there. A few minutes later, she emerged from the back room with another pair of pink panties that didn’t look as thin as the previous pair. Rather than saying anything, she simply knelt down and slipped them over my pants; there was no need for further explanation. I reckon she knew I had been living a secret world of cross-dressing.

She then went back into the back room and returned shortly with a female white business shirt. She laid it out over the bar counter. Without saying a word, she picked it up and slipped it over my head, buttoning it up. There I was, in a public bar in Geylang, with my dream girl from Malaysia, wearing girls’ panties and a woman’s business shirt.

All I could do was say, “Thank you.”

She didn’t even look up at me again, as if to say, “No, you don’t.”

Once again, she left the bar. My erection throbbed hard against my pants as I looked at the mirror behind the bar. What would my work colleagues think of me now? A cross-dressing executive, for fuck’s sake. I stood there patiently as the bar started to fill with other customers. They glanced over, but none of them seemed surprised.

An Unexpected Encounter

When she finally came out from the back room again, I noticed she was wearing a very short plaid skirt, with ruffled edges on each side—almost like a schoolgirl would wear. It made her legs look long and slender, with lovely curves that were clearly being exaggerated by her high heels. When she reached for a pair of glasses on the bar, I couldn’t help but ask,

“Are you a foreign exchange student?”

As these words were uttered, I knew how lame and ridiculous they sounded.

She just looked up at me and gave me a smirk.

“I can be whatever you want,” she said with a smile.

With that, she pulled me from the bar and led me through the back door of the bar. I now realized there were many private cubicles, obviously for the use of Singapore Escorts. She led me towards one, and I knew that finally, my erotic fantasies would be fulfilled with a girl from Malaysia.

Forbidden Desires and Secret Fantasies

Inside the cubicle, the atmosphere changed. The room was dimly lit, creating a seductive ambiance that heightened my anticipation. The walls were adorned with soft, red velvet drapes, and the scent of jasmine filled the air, adding to the exotic allure of the moment. My heart raced as she gently pushed me onto a plush sofa, her touch both commanding and tender. Every move she made was deliberate, teasing, and promising the fulfillment of my deepest desires.

She began to undress, revealing her flawless skin and the delicate lingerie beneath her skirt. Her movements were graceful, almost choreographed, as if she had done this many times before. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, mesmerized by the sight of her undressing. She approached me slowly, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that made my breath hitch. The anticipation was almost unbearable, and I felt my pulse quicken with each step she took towards me.

A Night to Remember

As she straddled me, her lips brushed against my ear, whispering words that sent shivers down my spine. Her hands roamed over my body, exploring every inch with a familiarity that felt both foreign and exhilarating. My senses were overwhelmed by the combination of her touch, the scent of jasmine, and the soft glow of the room. It was as if time had stopped, and nothing else existed outside of this moment. My body responded eagerly to her every touch, and I felt a surge of pleasure unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

She guided me through a series of erotic acts, each one more intense than the last. Her expertise was evident, and she knew exactly how to push me to the brink of ecstasy and then pull me back, prolonging the pleasure. Every touch, every kiss, and every whispered word brought me closer to the edge, until finally, I could hold back no longer. The release was explosive, and I felt a rush of euphoria that left me breathless and trembling.

The Aftermath

As we lay there, spent and satisfied, she looked at me with a knowing smile.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” she asked, her voice soft and seductive.

I nodded, unable to find the words to express how incredible the experience had been. She laughed softly and kissed me on the forehead before getting up to retrieve her clothes. I watched her dress, feeling a mixture of awe and gratitude for the unforgettable night we had shared. As she left the cubicle, I knew that this was a memory I would cherish forever, a secret encounter that had fulfilled my most forbidden fantasies.

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